2024-2025 Housing Contract and Rates

2024-2025 Housing and Dining Rates have been approved by the ISU Board of Trustees.

BuildingDetailsStudent Semester RateMeal Plan Required
Blumberg, Burford,
Cromwell, Erickson,
Mills, Pickerl, Sandison
Double Room$3781.50Yes
 Single Room$4781.50Yes
Traditional - Break Access   
RhoadsDouble Room$4181.50Yes
 Single Room$5181.50Yes
Specialty Housing   
Reeve HallDouble Room, Pod Bath$3781.50Yes
 Single Room, Pod Bath$4781.50Yes
 Double Room, Private Bath$4031.50Yes
 Single Room, Private Bath$5031.50Yes

Freshman students are typically not eligible to live in apartments. 

BuildingDetailsStudent Semester RateMeal Plan Required
500 Wabash    Private Bedroom, Shared Apartment$4783.50No
University ApartmentsShared One Bedroom$3540.00No
 Single One Bedroom$4430.00No
 Large Bedroom in Shared Two Bedroom$4430.00No
 Medium Bedroom in Shared Two Bedroom$4130.00No
 Single Two Bedroom$5165.00No
 Large Bedroom in Shared Three Bedroom$4130.00No
 Medium Bedroom in Shared Three Bedroom$2960.00No
 Small Bedroom in Shared Three Bedroom$2365.00No
Family Housing in University ApartmentsTwo Bedroom (unfurnished)$4430.00No
 Three Bedroom (unfurnished)$4870.00No

For more details please visit the Dining by Sodexo website. 

Meal PlanSemester AllotmentStudent Semester RateEligibility
Base 1212 meals per week + $170 Commons Cash (Standard Plan)$2115.50Any residence hall or apartment
All AccessUnlimited daily access to Sycamore Dining Hall + $102 Commons Cash and 5 guest meals$2349.73Any residence hall or apartment
Upper-class Building7 meals per week + $204 Commons Cash and 5 guest meals$1296.67Upper class students only in Reeve, Hines, Erickson, 500 Wabash or UA
UA/500 Resident5 meals per week + $102 Commons Cash$982.00Any resident in 500 Wabash or UA


The rates below are for housing types for summer housing, May 10 to August 2 (12 weeks). Actual locations offered will be decided in the spring semester. No set contract length is required, students may move out when needed during the summer. Students' accounts are billed for the full summer and then credited for any unused weeks after a proper check-out. Students must be enrolled in summer classes or be eligible for fall classes in order to stay in the summer. An on-campus housing contract for the academic year is not required to stay on campus for summer. No meal plans are offered in the summer, however certain dining locations are open throughout the summer. Students who have fall on-campus housing contracts will be able to remain on-campus between the end of the summer contract and start of the fall contract at the summer rate for their summer building. Summer to fall residents will be notified by Residential Life when they must transition to their fall space.


BuildingDetailsStudent Weekly RateMeal Plan Required
500 Wabash Single room in shared apartment$245.31No
University ApartmentsSingle Apartment (no roommate)$204.46No
 Large Bedroom in Shared Two Bedroom (with roommate)$204.46No
 Medium Bedroom in Shared Two Bedroom (with roommate)$190.62No
Family HousingTwo Bedroom (unfurnished)$204.46No
TraditionalSingle room (no roommate)$281.26No
 Double room (with roommate)$222.44No


DescriptionStudent Rate
Residential Life Technology Fee (charged to all residents)$15.00/semester
Single Room Buyout of Double Room$1000.00/semester
Break Access Contract Add-On (when not included in semester rate)$400.00/semester
Early Arrival/Break Access Stay$20.00/night

Refund Policy

Students who are granted a contract release or withdraw from the university will receive a credit to their account in accordance with the refund schedule below, based on the date the student’s belongings are removed from the room and the key is returned to the front desk.

Housing and Meal Plan Schedule

Week of the SemesterRefund Percentage
1 through 475%
5 through 850%
9 through 1225%
13 and later0%


Week 1 begins on the first day of classes for that semester. A nightly rate is charged when students check-out prior to classes starting.

For meal plans: Commons Cash will be adjusted based upon the initial starting amount and additional adjustments may be necessary if too much has been used.

475.1 First Year Student Housing Requirements

All single first year students (less than 32 earned academic hours) to live in university residence halls unless they commute from their parent's home (60 miles one way) or have a valid exception. Students of first year standing who have lived in university residence halls for two semesters would be exempt from this policy.

This policy can be found in the Policy Library.

Exemption Process

Exceptions to the residency policy may be granted only under certain limited conditions, including the following:

  • The Vice President for Student Affairs determines the policy shall be suspended and not enforced for that particular semester due to lack of space availability.
  • Students residing at parents’/legal guardian’s permanent address, which must be located within 60 miles of campus as measured by Google Maps (“Legal Guardian” means a person appointed guardian by a court of competent jurisdiction to act on behalf of the student in place of parents. Legal documentation may be requested for verification).
  • Part-time student taking fewer than 12 hours during either a Fall or Spring semester.
  • Students taking only online classes.
  • Students who are a veteran of the US Armed Forces who served on active duty for at least one year.
  • Students who are married and/or have dependent children (under the age of 18).
  • Students with specific medical/psychological/psychiatric needs which require special accommodations that cannot be accommodated in university-owned or University-operated housing.
  • Students with certain criminal or disciplinary backgrounds making community living an inappropriate choice.
  • An approved exception due to unforeseen, catastrophic, or financial hardship.
  • International students.
  • Students who have completed at least 30 earned academic credit hours accepted by the University toward a degree at the University (not inclusive of dual credit earned as part of a high school curriculum).
  • Students having lived in college or university housing for at least two semesters.
  • Students who are at least 21 years of age at the start of the term.

Exemptions must be requested through the student's housing portal. From your MyISU portal, select the housing portal, then select "Apply" and select the term you are requesting. In the Housing Intent page select Apply for Exemption and follow the prompts on the pages.

Students may use this form to request a contract release, or contract buyout if they are exempt from the housing policy.

Contract Release

Students should be advised that the on-campus housing contract is a legally-binding agreement and there is a limited set of acceptable reasons a release from the contract, and any associated refund, will be considered. A release is granted only for documented situations usually involving extreme or unusual circumstances beyond the student’s control, and the nature of which would prohibit living in a residence hall or impose a severe hardship. Students should not financially commit to any other housing until official written notice of release from the on-campus housing contract is received. Further details are found on the release form.

Contract Buyout

This option is only available to students who are exempt from the University Housing Policy. The student may request to be automatically released from the contract by buying out the remainder of the contract. The buyout rate is 65% of the remaining portion of the contract, including the meal plan (if the student has one). If the buyout request is received prior to October 15th the buyout fee will only apply to the remaining portion of the fall semester. The buyout fee will apply to remaining fall and all of spring for requests received after October 15th. Due to the University Housing Policy, freshman are not eligible for a contract buyout. Further details are found on the form.

Contract Release/Buyout Form

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